Published: 2023-03-13
In-Depth Reviews
Original Research
Research Letters
Brief Articles
Short Communications
SKINmages: Clinical Images in Dermatology
Compelling Comments
Posters from 2023 WCH Dermatology Conference: Psoriasis
Skin Cancer
Impact of Actinic Keratosis (AK), as measured by patient-reported AK symptoms, and impact on emotions and functioning (using Skindex-16) among patients with AK administered tirbanibulin in real-world community practices across the U.S. (PROAK Study)
| DOI s161
Investigator Global assessment (IGA) of Actinic Keratosis (AK) among patients administered tirbanibulin in real-world community practices across the U.S., and clinician likelihood to consider tirbanibulin again for future AK treatments (PROAK Study)
| DOI s162
Acne & Rosacea
Acne symptoms and impact of acne on social functioning, emotional functioning, and activities of daily living (ADL) among pediatric patients with moderate to severe non-nodular Acne Vulgaris (AV) in community practices across the U.S: PROSES study
| DOI s155
Investigator global assessment (IGA) of Acne Vulgaris and IGA Success among patients with moderate to severe non-nodular Acne Vulgaris (AV) administered sarecycline in community practices across the U.S: PROSES study analysis by gender and age
| DOI s156
Investigator global assessment (IGA) of Acne Vulgaris and IGA Success among patients with moderate to severe non-nodular Acne Vulgaris (AV) administered sarecycline in community practices across the U.S in PROSES study: Analysis by concomitant medication
| DOI s157