Derms and Conditions Podcast Episode 24:

How Can You Stop Seeing Red When Facing Up To Rosacea?

Release Date: April 07, 2022

In Episode 24 of Derms and Conditions, our host James Q. Del Rosso, DO talks with Julie C. Harper, MD who is in private practice in Birmingham, AL and is a recent past-President of the American Acne and Rosacea Society. Dr. Del Rosso and Dr. Harper spend the episode discussing important considerations in the diagnosis and treatment of rosacea. Emphasis is placed on noting the sources of facial redness in rosacea so that treatment selection can be optimized.

Dr. Harper includes practical tips for treating a rosacea patient who presents with both persistent facial erythema and papules/pustules and concludes the episodes presenting her "STOP" mnemonic when seeing a rosacea patient in the office.   

Financial Disclosures:


CONSULTANT/ADVISOR  Abbvie, Aclaris, Almirall, Amgen, Arcutis, Bausch Health (Ortho Dermatology), BioFrontera, BioPharmX, Bristol-Myers-Squibb, Cassiopea, Dermata, Dermavant, Encore, EPI Health, Evommune, Ferndale, Galderma, Incyte, JEM Health, Leo Pharma, La Roche Posay, Lilly (Dermira), MC2, Novan, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi-Genzyme, SolGel, Sonoma (IntraDerm), Sun Pharma, Trevi, UCB, Verrica, Vyne (Foamix; Menlo) 

SPEAKER BUREAU  Aclaris, Almirall, Amgen, Arcutis, Bausch Health (Ortho Dermatology), EPI Health, Ferndale, Galderma, Genentech, JEM Health, Leo Pharma, La Roche Posay, Lilly (Dermira), Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi-Genzyme, Sun Pharma, UCB, Verrica, Vyne (Foamix; Menlo) 

RESEARCH INVESTIGATOR  Aclaris, Almirall, Amgen, Anaptys Bio, Arcutis, Athenex, Bausch Health (Ortho Dermatology), BioPharmX, Biorasi, Botanix, Brickell, Cara Therapeutics, Cassiopea, Dermavant, EPI Health, Ferndale, Galderma, Incyte, Leo Pharma, Lilly (Dermira), Novan, Pfizer, Ralexar, Regeneron, SolGel, Sun Pharma, UCB, Verrica, Vyne (Foamix; Menlo). 


Grant/Research Support:  Almirall 

Consultant:  Almirall, Cutera, EPI, Galderma, LaRoche Posay, Ortho, Sun, Vyne 

Speakers’ Bureau or Honoraria:  Almirall, EPI, Galderma, Journey, Ortho, Sun, Vyne

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