As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in a single document as Microsoft Word document (not PDF) format containing a cover letter, title page, manuscript, references. Please do not embed files and figures. Upload these as supplemental documents.
The cover letter should include a title, brief description of the manuscript and its significance to dermatology. Additionally, please include the article type, any relevant conflicts of interests, and possible reviewers.
The title page should include: 1) The article title 2) Full names, academic degrees and academic or institutional affiliation of all authors (including corresponding author) 3) Disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest 4) Statement of any relevant funding sources for the manuscript. 5) Word Count 6) Reference Count 7) Figure and Table Count
Please ensure that the manuscript is double-spaced and uses a 12-point font with continuous line numbering. Figures and tables should not be embedded in the submission file.
References should be included after puncuation as superscripted text.
Upload files and figures as supplemental documents.
Author Guidelines
All submissions should be clearly marked to include their article type and conform to guidelines set forth in the manuscript checklist. There are no fees that are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing. All authors must equally contribute to the submitted manuscript and are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, in case of dectection. A list of references must be provided for each manuscript as well as information on financial support (as necessary). Authors are forbidden to publish the same research in more than one journal. As an author, you may deposit a version of your article on an institutional or other repository of your choice, with a link to the published article on the journal’s website. There is no embargo period.
The Article Types are listed below:
Article Types
Original Research
Word Count: 3000 words maximum Structured Abstract: required, up to 250 words Figures/Tables: 6 maximum References: 50 references maximum
In Depth Reviews
In-Depth Reviews include original research articles including clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, surveys with high response rates, observational studies and cohort studies that report on original data that is not yet published in the literature. If authors wish to submit a systematic review or meta-analysis, they are encouraged to follow the PRISMA guidlines (
Word Count: 3000 words maximum Structured Abstract: required, up to 250 words Figures/Tables: 6 maximum References: 50 references maximum
Research Letters
Research letters can include reports of concise original research. Research letters must not duplicate other material published or submitted for publication. The format may vary but it is suggested to include the following sub-sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. If more appropriate, research letters may be submitted without sub-sections.
Word Count: 600 words maximum Structured Abstract: Required Figures/Tables: 2 maximum References: 6 references maximum
COVID Concepts
COVID Concepts should report on original investigations, unique clinical findings or interesting cases related to COVID-19 and dermatology. These articles can include case reports.
Word Count: 1000 words maximum Structured Abstract: required, 250 words maximum Figures/Tables: 3 maximum References: 12 references maximum
Brief Articles
Brief articles should report on original investigations, unique clinical findings or interesting cases. These articles can include case reports. It is recommneded that authors follow the CARE guidlines for case reports (
Word Count: 1000 words maximum Structured Abstract: required, 250 words maximum Figures/Tables: 3 maximum References: 12 references maximum
Short Communications
Short Communications can include case reports, letters to the editor, or letters in reply. Additionally these can report on notable observations within dermatology or clinical practice.
Word Count: 500 words maximum Structured Abstract: not required Figures/Tables: 2 maximum References: 6 references maximum
Compelling Comments
Compelling Comments are intended to provide historical notes, practice pearls, or humanity items which are relevant to dermatology. These rapid communications should be of interest to readers and provide new knowledge that may not be readily available in other journals
Word Count: 300 words maximum Structured Abstract: not required Figures/Tables: 1 maximum References: 3 references maximum
Dermatologic History
Any manuscript that relates to the history of dermatology
Word Count: 500-word limit
Figures: 2 maximum
References: 5 maximum
SKINmages: Clinical Images in Dermatology
A picture of an interesting, unique, or rare dermatological observation with a brief description of the clinical issue. Please highlight why this submission is essential to the journal’s readership and what can be learned from it.
Word Count: 500-word limit
Figures: 2 maximum
References: 5 maximum
Patient permission is needed if identifying features are present
Dermatologic Dilemmas
Submit a description of a difficult case along with up to 3 questions that you would like answered by an expert. Similar to the academic “Grand Rounds” style presentation format where, if published, cases will receive comments from a key opinion leader.
Examples of Dermatologic Dilemmas include unusual presentations of common problems, complex and treatment-resistant patients, unexpected and rare side effects, difficult clinicopathologic correlation situations, and complicated dermatoethical situations.
Word Count: 1500 word limit
Figures: 3 maximum
References: 15 maximum
1-3 questions that you wish to have answered about your case
Copyright Notice
All authors retain copyright in their articles. All articles published open access allowing for immediate free access to the work and permitting any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software or use them for any other lawful purpose. Permitted reuse is defined by the following user license:
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY): lets others distribute and copy the article, to create extracts, abstracts, and other revised versions, adaptations or derivative works of or from an article (such as a translation), to include in a collective work (such as an anthology), to text or data mine the article, even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit the author(s), do not represent the author as endorsing their adaptation of the article, and do not modify the article in such a way as to damage the author's honor or reputation.
Authors retain copyright in their work and license the publisher to publish the content. The publisher is the National Society for Cutaneous Medicine, with production and publishing support provided by OJS, Open Journal Systems,see
Prior to January 2022, authors transferred copyright to the National Society for Cutaneous Medicine. However, all articles are freely available to anyone in the world. There are no subscription fees, page charges, or article processing charges.
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