The Safety and Efficacy of Roflumilast Cream 0.15% and 0.05% in Atopic Dermatitis: Phase 2 Proof-of-Concept Study

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Melinda J. Gooderham
Leon H. Kircik
Matthew Zirwas
Mark Lee
Steven E. Kempers
Zoe D. Draelos
Laura Ferris
Terry M. Jones
Etienne Saint-Cyr Proulx
Robert Bissonnette
Neal Bhatia
Scott T. Guenthner
Robert A. Koppel
Howard Welgus
Charlotte Merritt
Meg Elias
Lynn Navale
Robert C. Higham
Michael Droege
David R. Berk


Atopic Dermatitis, Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor, Topical, Proof of Concept


Abstract not available.


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