Psoriasis Therapy Beyond Biologics

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Connor R Buechler
Jesse Veenstra
Linda Stein Gold


psoriasis, topical therapy, clinical trials


Although psoriasis patients have benefited from the advent of biologic treatments over the past two decades, these medications are not appropriate for all patients and can be augmented by additional therapy. Differences among the manifold options can be difficult to parse, though essential for matching treatment with an individual patient. UV-light therapies, including both UV-B and psoralen with UV-A light, continue to play an important role in treatment, as do non-biologic systemic options including methotrexate, cyclosporine, apremilast, and acitretin. Recent years have seen a dramatic expansion in available topical therapies, the most common modality for the treatment of psoriasis, including new foam, spray, lotion, and cream formulations of topical corticosteroids (TCS) and new fixed-dose combination offerings of TCS with tazarotene and calcipotriene. Newer advances, including the oral tyrosine kinase 2 inhibitor deucravacitinib and non-steroidal topicals such as roflumilast, a PDE-4 inhibitor, and tapinarof, a first-in-class non-steroidal small-molecule, will soon provide even more options for treatment. It is vital for clinicians to remain aware of this ever-expanding armamentarium, allowing for more productive shared decision-making with patients, improved satisfaction, and better disease control.


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