Published: 2018-02-23

Poster Presentations from FC23 Dermatology Conference®: Psoriasis

Calcipotriol Plus Betamethasone Dipropionate Foam is Effective in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis: Post-Hoc Analysis of the PSO-ABLE Study

Carle Paul, Craig Leonardi, Alan Menter, Kristian Reich, Linda Stein Gold, Richard B Warren, Anders Moller, Mark Lebwohl

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Certolizumab Pegol for the Treatment of Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Plaque Psoriasis: An Overview of 3 Randomized Controlled Trials

Andrew Blauvelt, Kristian Reich, Mark Lebwohl, Daniel Burge, Catherine Arendt, Luke Peterson, Robert Rolleri, Alice Gottlieb

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Clinical Efficacy or Tildrakizumab in Patients with Chronic Plaque Psoriasis Over 2 Years of Treatment: Results from Long-Term Extensions to 2 Phase 3 Clinical Studies

Kim Papp, Kristian Reich, Andrew Blauvelt, Diamant Thaci, Rodney Sinclair, Stephen K Tyring, Nicole Cichanowitz, Stuart Green, Qing Li, Carmen La Rosa

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Long-Term Efficacy of Brodalumab for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis: Data from a Pivotal Phase 3 Clinical Trial

Alan Menter, Jeff Sobell, Jonathan I Silverberg, Mark Lebwohl, Shipra Rastogi, Radhakrishnan Pillai, Robert J Israel

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The Psoriasis Patient Journey: Progression from Topical to Biologic Treatment for Psoriasis Patients in the United States

Jashin J Wu, Minyi Lu, Karen A Veverka, Maartje Smulders, Eros Papademetriou, Yunjua Junhua, Steven R Feldman

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Radiographic Progression of Structural Joint Damage in Patients with Active Psoriatic Arthritis Treated with Ixekizumab over 52 Weeks

Desiree van der Heijde, Masato Okada, Chin Lee, Catherine L Shuler, Suchitrita Rathmann, Chen-Yen Lin, David Amato, Philip J Mease

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Secukinumab's Pooled and Long-Term Safety: Analysis of 19 Psoriasis Clinical Trials Up to 5 Years of Treatment

PCM van de Kerkhof, K Reich, CL Leonardi, A Blauvelt, NN Mehta, TF Tsai, R You, P Papanastasiou, M Milutinovic, CEM Griffiths

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Secukinumab Reduces Endothelial Dysfunction in Subjects with Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis Over 52 Weeks: Results of the Exploratory CARIMA Study

E von Stebut, K Reich, D Thaci, W Koenig, A Pinter, A Korber, T Rassaf, A Waisman, V Mani, D Yates, J Frueh, C Sieder, N Melzer, T Gori

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Sustained and Improved Efficacy of Tildrakizumab from Week 28 to Week 52 in Treating Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis

Boni Elewski, Alan Menter, Jeffrey Crowley, Stephen Tyring, Yang Zhao, Simon Lowry, Stephen Rozzo, Alan Mendelsohn, Jeffrey Parno, Kenneth Gordon

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Secukinumab is Superior to Ustekinumab in Clearing Skin of Patients with Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis: CLARITY, a Randomized, Controlled, Phase 3b Trial

Jerry Bagel, John Nia, Peter Hashim, Manmath Patekar, Ana de Vera, Sophie Hugot, Kuan Sheng, Summer Xia, Elsa Muscianisi, Andrew Blauvelt, Mark Lebwohl

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Atopic Dermatitis

A Phase 2b Dose-Ranging Efficacy and Safety Study of Tralokinumab in Adult Patients with Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis

Andreas Wollenberg, Michael D Howell, Emma Guttman-Yassky, Jonathan I Silverberg, Claire Birrell, Christopher Kell, Koustubh Ranade, Michelle Dawson, Rene van der Merwe

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A Real-World Study Evaluating AdeQUacy of Existing Systematic Treatments for Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis (AD-QUEST): Baseline Treatment Patterns and Unmet Needs Assessment

Wenhui Wei, Eric Ghorayeb, Michael Andria, Valery Walker, Jingdong Chao, James Schnitzer, Martha Kennedy, Zhen Chen, Angela Belland, John White, Jonathan I Silverberg

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Open-Label Study (ARIDO) Evaluating Long-Term Safety of Topical Glycopyrronium Tosylate (GT) in Patients with Primary Axillary Hyperhydrosis

Dee Anna Glaser, Adelaide A Hebert, Alexander Nast, William P Werschler, Stephen Shideler, Lawrence Green, Richard D Mamelok, Janice Drew, John Quiring, David M Pariser

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Efficacy Outcomes in the Phase 3 COMBI-AD Study of Adjuvant Dabrafenib Plus Trametinib vs Placebo in Patients with Stage III BRAFV600E/K-Mutant Melanoma

Georgina V Long, Axel Hauschild, Mario Santinami, Victoria Atkinson, Mario Mandala, Vanna Chiarion-Sileni, James Larkin, Marta Nyakas, Caroline Dutriaux, Andrew Haydon, Caroline Robert, Laurent Mortier, Jacob Schachter, Dirk Schadendorf, Thierry Lesimple, Ruth Plummer, Ran Ji, Pingkuan Zhang, Bijoyesh Mookerjee, Jeff Legos, Richard Kefford, Reinhard Drummer, John M Kirkwood

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Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers and Benign Cutaneous Tumors

Cemiplimab (REGN2810), a Fully Human Anti-PD-1 Monoclonal Antibody, for Patients with Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Initial Safety and Efficacy from Expansion Cohorts of Phase 1 Study

Kyriakos P Papadopoulos, Taofeek K Owonikoko, Melissa L Johnson, Irene Brana, Marta Gil-Martin, Raymond P Perez, Victor Moreno, April K Salama, Emiliano Calvo, Nelson S Yee, Howard Safran, Antonio Gonzalez-Martin, Raid Aljumaily, Daruka Mahadevan, Kosalai K Mohan, Jingjin Li, Elizabeth Stankevich, Israel Lowy, Matthew G Fury, Jade Homsi

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Design and Rationale of the OPTIMA Study: Retreatment or Step-Up Therapy with Omalizumab in Patients with Chronic Idiopathic/Spontaneous Urticaria (CIU/CSU)

Gordon Sussman, Jacques Hebert, Wayne Gulliver, Charles Lynde, William H Lang, Olivier Chambenoit, Gretty Deutsch, Frederica DeTakaosy, Lenka Rihakova

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Omalizumab Dose Step-Up and Treatment Response in Patients with Chronic Idiopathic/Spontaneous Urticaria (CIU/CSU): Results from the OPTIMA Study

Wayne Gulliver, Gordon Sussman, Jacques Hebert, Charles W Lynde, Kim A Papp, William H Yang, Olivier Chambenoit, Antonio Viera, Frederica DeTakaosy, Lenka Rihakova

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Omalizumab Retreatment of Patients with Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria/Spontaneous Urticaria (CIU/CS) Following Return of Symptoms: Primary Results of the Optima Study

Gordon Sussman, Jacques Hebert, Wayne Gulliver, Charles Lynde, William H Yang, Olivier Chambenoit, Antonio Vieira, Frederica DeTakaosy, Lenka Rihakova

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Use of an Investigator's Global Assessment Scale to Evaluate Disease Severity in Patients swith Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex

Johann W Bauer, Amy Paller, Jemima E Mellerio, Alain Hovnanian, John J Pan, Panagiotis Zografaos, Greg P Licholai, Dedee F Murrell

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Acne & Rosacea