Can ruxolitinib cream be used in combination with therapeutic biologics, other JAK inhibitors, or immunosuppressants?

Featuring Raj Chovatiya, MD, PhD, MSCI |

Clinical Associate Professor, Rosalind Franklin University Chicago Medical School, Founder and Director, Center for Medical Dermatology and Immunology Research 
Chicago, IL

| Published August 01, 2023


In the video, Dr. Raj Chovatiya addresses the question of whether ruxolitinib cream can be used in combination with therapeutic biologics, other JAK inhibitors, or immunosuppressants. According to the FDA approved prescribing information, ruxolitinib cream was studied and approved as a monotherapy. Therefore, the label indicates that it should not be used in combination with therapeutic biologics, other JAK inhibitors, or immunosuppressants. 

However, despite this indication on the label, real-world data from various sources, including Dr. Chovatiya's group, suggest that some individuals are combining ruxolitinib cream with other therapies successfully. This practice deviates from the approved label usage. Nevertheless, ongoing studies are being conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of using ruxolitinib cream in combination with other therapies. These studies aim to provide valuable insights into the potential benefits and risks of such combinations, ensuring informed and evidence-based treatment decisions for patients. 

Key Points 
  • Ruxolitinib cream was studied and approved as a monotherapy. 
  • The FDA-approved prescribing information for ruxolitinib cream indicates that it should not be used in combination with therapeutic biologics, other JAK inhibitors, or immunosuppressants. 
  • Despite the label indication, real-world data shows that some people are combining ruxolitinib cream with other therapies successfully, deviating from the approved usage. 
  • There are ongoing studies to determine the efficacy and safety of using ruxolitinib cream in combination with other therapies. These studies aim to provide more insights into the potential benefits and risks for individuals who use the cream in combination with other treatments.

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